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Writer's pictureKirby Plessas

Welcome to the CuriousKirby Blog!

I am so excited to announce the launch of CuriousKirby (CURK)!

If there is one thing I am always asked about, it is "How do I use Instagram or Facebook more efficiently to sell my art?"

As an artist, I am only beginning my journey, but in technology, I am a recognized expert. I've keynoted many conferences on social media, advised and instructed large corporations and federal entities and conducted extensive research. And now I am turning that experience into a tool to sell your artwork.

As artists, the number one need is to get our artwork, our point of view, and our story in front of our potential customer's eyes. One fairly easy way to do that is via social media. But it is more than just posting Facebook updates and Instagram likes. A complete social media marketing campaign is a process in which the customer is directed to the artist and not just clicking like and scrolling past something shard by a friend. My full marketing strategy will bring together Facebook, Instagram and Pinterest, directing traffic to your website and into your mailing list. That mailing list will periodically remind your customers of your amazing work and highlight new offerings, workshops or events. Your customers will look forward to predictable and continuous content and engage with your calls to action. With consistent content, your relationships with existing customers will build and your fan base will grow. And the end goal: your customers will buy and treasure more of your art.

CURK will help you. With the CURK Marketing Plan, you can identify the key tools you will need to easily employ to make the best possible products for your goals. We have trimmed down the information and techniques you need to learn into the shortest simplest implementations to allow busy people to spend as little time as possible while still running an effective marketing strategy.

If this still seems daunting, CURK also provides custom educational consults to help you get familiar with the tools you will be using. Most of the tools are designed to be easy and a few lessons combined with repetition will have you mastering them quickly.

Maybe you are too busy to dedicate yourself to the time it will take to properly implement a social media marketing plan? No problem, once we have identified and designed your plan, allow us to implement it. We will take your content, work with your schedule, and put you on the road to social media success!

If any of this sounds good to you, please request a quote today!

And watch this space - so much more content coming soon!



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